Jira Query Language JQL: A Beginner’s Guide

We also have a downloadable cheat sheet to keep close on hand as you perform searches with JQL. Copy and paste fields, operators and functions into the Jira search bar, as well as learn more advanced queries. The “WAS NOT IN” operator is used to search for issues where the value of the specified field has never been one of multiple specified values. The “NOT IN” operator is used to search for issues where the value of the specified field is not one of multiple specified values. For example, a Jira Service Management field may be priority, issue type, date created and project. This example request searches for issues assigned to a user with the username “charlie” and orders the returned
issues by due date.

what are JQL queries

It is also very useful to simplify a lot of the complicated things from JavaScript, like AJAX calls and DOM manipulation. JQuery’s architecture allows developers to create plug-in code to extend its function. The jQuery function is a factory for creating a jQuery object that represents one or more DOM nodes. These methods (sometimes called commands), are chainable as each method also returns a jQuery object. JQuery’s syntax is designed to make it easier to navigate a document, select DOM elements, create animations, handle events, and develop Ajax applications.

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The simplest way to do this is to keep all the functions’ calculation state on the stack and out of member variables. However, the result of the query will depend on the lookup
procedure of the JQL clause it is used with. Finally, the EMPTY QueryLiteral will make the affectsVersion
condition look for all issues that have no Affects Version set. You can extend AbstractJqlFunction, so the fname element’s value will be returned.

For example, it is not possible to do something like myFunction(currentUser()). First, while you’re looking for a specific detail in Jira, you’ve to start from the ‘search’ bar. Before we move onto the process of creating JQL queries, you’ll have to first understand the types of searches in Jira. Every issue will have a unique project name, issue key, assignee, status, time taken, and so on.


All queries are made up of fields, operators, values, and keywords. In this query the “is empty” statement only includes issues where the value of the assignee field is blank. The value -1d evaluates to 1 day behind the current date when the query is run. As a result, the above query will return all issues that do not have an assignee that are at least one day old. The “IS NOT” operator can only be used with EMPTY or NULL.

what are JQL queries

The “IN” operator is used to search for issues where the value of the specified field is one of multiple specified values. The values are specified as a comma-delimited list, surrounded by parentheses. To create an issue in Jira, you first need to specify a project and issue type.

The ordering is specified by using an order by clause in the JQL query itself
(not via a URL parameter in your REST API call). Today I am going to show you some useful JQL queries which you can use to query for issues. To search for issues that belong to a particular epic what are JQL queries and how to use them in team-managed projects, use parent. Different types of custom fields support different functions. Search for issues that were created on, before, or after a particular date (or date range). Note that if a time-component is not specified, midnight will be assumed.

  • It is always advised to a fresher to learn the basics of web designing before starting to learn jQuery.
  • It is also possible for your Jira administrator to change the name of a version, which could break any saved filters that rely on that name.
  • The Jira REST API allows you to discover the fields and data available and required for creating issues.
  • These simple queries are connected using keywords or functions that lead to complex queries, depicted in the 2nd example above.

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