Moderators: Hideki Kawanishi, Seiki A. Balogun, Rasheed Abiodun Balogun, Akihiro C Yamashita, Karopadi Shivanand Nayak

08.00 AM
09.00 AM

Opening Ceremony

– Welcoming speech: Prof Bui Pham Van, President of HSDT.
– Congratulation speech: Committee Member of ISBP.
– Congratulation speech: Dr Vo Duc Chien, Director of Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital.
– Congratulation speech: Prof Nguyen Thanh Hiep, Rector, Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine.
– Congratulation speech: Prof Nguyen Ngoc Dung, Director of The Ho Chi Minh City Medical Association.
– Congratulation speech: Prof Tang Chi Thuong, Director of The Ho Chi Minh City Health Department.
– Congratulation speech: Chairman Deputy of The Ho Chi Minh City People Committee.
09.00 AM
09.30 AM
Hideki Kawanishi, Japan

Vice president and the director of artificial organs & surgery of Tsuchiya General Hospital

Newly classification of middle molecular and the target of dialysis therapy

10.00 AM
10.30 AM
Seiki A. Balogun, USA


End Stage Kidney Disease and Renal Replacement Therapy in the Oldest-Old

10.30 AM
11.00 AM
Karopadi Shivanand Nayak, Indian

Chief Nephrologist Head Department of Nephrology, Virinchi Hospitals
Director of Clinical Research, Member of the Board, Vivo Bio Tech Ltd, Banjara Hills

Emergent Start PD in the unplanned ESKD patient: The Way Forward

11.00 AM
11.30 AM
Rasheed Abiodun Balogun, USA


Extracorporeal Blood Purification Therapies for Sepsis and Immune Dysregulation:
Are we there yet?

11.30 AM
11.50 AM

Poster Presentation

11.30 AM – 11.40 AM

Practice of dialysis catheter placement and artificial vessel implantation in JapanMD. Junichi Iida, Japan

11.40 AM – 11.50 AM

Effect of internal filtration rate on dialyzer performance with super high flux membrane

PhD. Ryoichi Sakiyama, Japan

11.50 AM
12.00 PM

Products Presentation

12.00 PM
01.15 PM

Lunch Symposium

Moderator: Prof Bui Pham Van

Diabetes Management in Chronic Kidney Disease.

Assoc. Prof. Katarzyna Nabrdalik, Poland

Insulin Therapy for Diabetic Patients with CKD: Experience from NTP Hospital.

Dr. Minh Hoa VT, Vietnam

Moderators: A Davenport, Andre Kaplan, Lili Chan,
Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, Bui Pham Van

02.00 PM
02.30 PM
A Davenport, UK

Prof of Dialysis & ICI Nephrology
Consultant Renal Physician

Hemodialysis for the patient with heart failure

02.30 PM
03.00 PM
Bui Pham Van, Vietnam

President, Society for Dialysis Therapies and Nephrology

Fluid Management in HD patients! Why is it important?

03.00 PM
03.30 PM
Andre Kaplan, USA


Therapeutic plasma exchange for renal disease: updates and controversies

03.30 PM
04.30 AM
Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, USA

Prof. MD PhD MPH

Incremental and Twice Weekly Hemodialysis Transition

05.00 PM
05.30 PM

Closing remarks + Hand on rewards for Excellent Posters: Representative of ISBP

Moderators: Bui Pham Van, Minh Tuan Nguyen,
Minh Hoa Vu, Loc Nguyen Duc

08.00 AM
08.30 AM
Trung Duong Toan, Viet Nam

Member of ISBP

Ultrapure Dialysate: What? How? and Why?

08.30 AM
09.00 AM
Loc Nguyen Duc, Viet Nam

Member of ISBP

Hemodialysis Catheter Related
Bloodstream Infection

09.00 AM
09.30 AM
Bui Pham Van, Viet Nam

President, Society for Dialysis Therapies and Nephrology

Renal Specific Oral Nutrition in CKD/Dialysis

09.30 AM
10.00 PM
Minh Hoa Vu, Vietnam

Member of ISBP

Nutrition for CKD patients based on its staging: Update Guideline 2023

10.00 AM
10.30 AM
Bui Pham Van, Viet Nam

President, Society for Dialysis Therapies and Nephrolog

SGLT2I in CKD, A New KDIGO Guideline 2023

10.30 AM
11.00 PM
Bui Pham Van, Viet Nam

President, Society for Dialysis Therapies and Nephrolog

ARBs and ARBs in single pill combination in patients with CKD/ Dialysis

11.00 AM
11.30 AM
Bui Pham Van, Vietnam

President, Society for Dialysis Therapies and Nephrology

CKD – related Anemia Management. Is there any difference between Original Brand and Biosimilars

11.30 PM
12.00 PM

Poster Presentation

11.30 PM – 11.40 PM

Creation and maintenance of vascular access in

MD. Toshihide Naganuma, Japan

11.40 PM – 11.50 PM

Relationship between post-dialysis serum potassium concentration and nutritional index

RD. Yukie Kitajima, Japan

11.50 PM – 12.00 PM

The clinical introduction of “Dialysis Recovery
Time” to the daily practice of hemodialysis

Prof. Toru Hyodo, Japan

12.00 AM
12.30 PM

Closing + Lottery